Speed of light

Tachyons: The Hypothetical Particles That Could Break the Speed of Light Barrier

In the realm of theoretical physics, few concepts spark as much intrigue and debate as tachyons—hypothetical particles that are proposed to travel faster than the speed of light. While they remain unobserved and purely speculative, the idea of tachyons challenges our understanding of the universe and the fundamental laws that govern it. What Are Tachyons?…

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Diamond Nanomembranes

Diamond Nanomembranes: Transforming Electronics Cooling for EVs

In the pursuit of more efficient and faster-charging electric vehicles (EVs), researchers at Fraunhofer have made groundbreaking strides in leveraging diamond nanomembranes to revolutionize electronics cooling. Here’s how this innovation could reshape the landscape of electromobility: Unprecedented Cooling Efficiency Traditional…

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