Speed of light

Tachyons: The Hypothetical Particles That Could Break the Speed of Light Barrier

In the realm of theoretical physics, few concepts spark as much intrigue and debate as tachyons—hypothetical particles that are proposed to travel faster than the speed of light. While they remain unobserved and purely speculative, the idea of tachyons challenges our understanding of the universe and the fundamental laws that govern it. What Are Tachyons?…

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Silk-Based Transistors: Pioneering a New Era of Hybrid Electronics

In a groundbreaking fusion of biology and technology, researchers have unlocked the potential of silk in revolutionizing transistor design. This innovative approach promises a myriad of applications, from highly sensitive sensors to advanced medical diagnostics. Enhancing Transistors with Silk Traditionally,…

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Breakthrough “Bone Bandage” Revolutionizes Bone Regeneration

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have unveiled a revolutionary approach to bone regeneration using a piezoelectric “bone bandage” scaffold. This innovative technique combines the regenerative properties of a naturally occurring…

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AI Predicts Human Choices Using Eye Movements

Understanding Human Behavior Through Eye Movements In a groundbreaking development at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, researchers have unveiled an innovative artificial intelligence (AI) technology capable of utilizing people’s eye movements to forecast their decisions.…

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Detachable Flying Vans: Revolutionizing Transport in the Philippines

LuftCar, a Florida-based company, has recently inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with eFrancisco Motor Corporation (eFMC) in the Philippines to embark on a groundbreaking venture – the development of detachable flying vans. This collaboration aims to revolutionize transportation in…

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